To help ensure a positive experience, please be aware of the following policies and procedures with regard to chaperoning Growing Tree students:
- Each volunteer driver/chaperone must have a copy of current driver’s license, verification of liability insurance and must have filled out an auto insurance form.
- Arrive 10 minutes before scheduled departure time.
- No smoking in the presence of the students in or out of the car.
- Drivers must be fully alert and not under the influence of any drug or alcohol.
- Entertainment for students (music and/or video) must be appropriate for the age you are chaperoning and such that would be generally considered non-offensive by their parents.
- Your full attention must be given to your assigned students; therefore, no siblings may accompany the chaperone/driver.
- Wear a watch – timing is important as groups may become separated.
- All students must wear an individual seat belt and no child should sit in the front seat of a vehicle with passenger air bags. Use a booster seat if provided by parent.
- Know where the children in your group are at all times. If one child needs a drink or bathroom break, your entire group must accompany the child to the appropriate facility. AT NO TIME SHOULD A STUDENT IN YOUR CHARGE LEAVE YOUR SUPERVISION.
- For added safety precautions, if you have a cell phone, please have it with you throughout the day, and make sure it is on, however, refrain from using it while operating a vehicle.
- While in public, students are representing the school. Please supervise the behavior of the children closely and let the teacher know if there are any problems, or if they are disrespectful in any way. By communicating any problems immediately, we can ensure a fun experience for all.
- Please remember that confidentiality regarding student behavior and/or academic status must be practiced. If you have a concern, please let school personnel know.
- Although it is tempting to socialize with other adults. Please give your full attention to the students.
- Parking lots can be dangerous, so please be especially watchful (hold hands, get out of the car first and open doors for the children, etc.).
- If applicable, please sit/stand with your group and spread out so that adult supervision is well dispersed.
- Driver/chaperones are to make no other stops other than those detailed in advance on the field trip itinerary and roster form. Any emergency stop must be reported immediately to the teacher in charge or school office (727) 786-6158
- Please remain with your students in the immediate area of their classroom upon arriving back at school until the teacher is back in supervision.
If you are interesting in driving or chaperoning on any of our field trips, please click here to open our Driver/Chaperone Policy PDF, then sign and return to to school before the field trip.